Hosting my own Jitsi video conferencing server

So I decided to host my own jitsi video conferencing server.

I started this project after searching for video conferencing solutions with privacy in mind. After someone made me aware of Jitsi I started doing some research into this software. Jitsi is a free an open source software which pretty much exactly does what I want. Driven by curiosity I wanted to try this myself.

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Hosten eines eigenen Jitsi Videokonferenz-Servers

Ich habe mich entschlossen, meinen eigenen Jitsi Videokonferenz-Server zu hosten.

Ich habe mit diesem Projekt begonnen, nachdem ich nach privatsphäreorientierten Videokonferenzlösungen gesucht habe. Als mich jemand auf Jitsi aufmerksam machte, habe ich angefangen mich über die Software zu informieren. Jitsi ist freie, quelloffene Software, die ziemlich genau das leistet, was ich suche. Weil ich neugierig war wollte ich es selbst ausprobieren.

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Random Quotes from File (PHP Script)

I wanted to show random lines from a list instead of a static tagline on top of the Homepage. I was searching for a while but only found outdated infos or plugins. Some PHP code I found worked, but ended up showing two lines of my text file at once. I tweaked the code a little (not that there’s much to work with) and ended up creating this little plugin. A “real” programmer probably would laugh at this. But I’m not at all a programmer and frankly quite pleased with myself.

This is the code for the PHP script.

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