I converted a blindingly bright white LED speech bubble with eye-pleasing slow colour changing LEDs.
This time I tried to document the project in video format. You can watch it on YouTube. This is the first published video and overall I’m quite happy with the result. I used an iPad mini as a camera and a Tascam DR-05X with a lavalier microphone for audio. I adjusted the audio slightly in Audacity (high pass filter and noise removal) and edited everything with iMovie.
Big Clive hat einen Joule-Dieb gebastelt, mehr dazu hier: http://www.bigclive.com/joule.htm. Ich dachte mir, dass dies ein gutes Projekt zum selbst ausprobieren ist.
Big Clive made a joule thief, you can read more about it here: http://www.bigclive.com/joule.htm. I thought this was a fun project to try myself. So that’s what I did.