I converted a blindingly bright white LED speech bubble with eye-pleasing slow colour changing LEDs.
This time I tried to document the project in video format. You can watch it on YouTube. This is the first published video and overall I’m quite happy with the result. I used an iPad mini as a camera and a Tascam DR-05X with a lavalier microphone for audio. I adjusted the audio slightly in Audacity (high pass filter and noise removal) and edited everything with iMovie.
After successfully experimenting with a Linode Nanode for a jitsi server I needed a new project. I chose to give Linode Object Storage a try and integrated it for external media and downloads with a download manager plugin in WordPress.
I created a new user in an AD and wanted to add them to a local security group Offer Remote Assistance Helpers. When adding this group manually, it disappeared after reboot (after applying gpupdate /force).
Ich wollte einen neuen User in einem AD anlegen und an einem PC in die lokale Gruppe Remoteunterstützungsanbieter aufnehmen. Beim manuellen hinzufügen der Gruppe verschwand diese aber nach einem Neustart (mit gpupdate /force) wieder.