Creating individual files from MS Word form letters (Update)

tl;dr: Use pdfsam

MS Word has a good form letter feature, but it’s limited in a way: when you want to save each form letter individually, you’re out of luck. You can only create a single Word document, which contains all letters. I was searching far and wide for a solution to my problem and stumbled upon some Add-ins, but what helped me the most is a simple macro.

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Serienbriefe als einzelne MS Word-Dokumente (Update)

tl;dr: Benutze pdfsam

MS Word hat eine gute Serienbrieffunktion, aber sie hat eine Einschränkung: es können keine einzelnen Dokumente gespeichert werden. Word erstellt lediglich eine Datei, die alle Dokumente enthält. Ich habe weit und breit nach einer Lösung gesucht und bin auf einige Add-ins gestoßen, aber letztendlich half ein einfaches Makro.

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Running Powershell Scripts with Shortcuts and Administrator Priviliges

If you want to elevate a powershell to execute a script with admininstrator priviliges, I found this code snippet useful. Used as the first line in your script, it elevates the powershell and triggers a UAC prompt. The rest of the script then gets passed on to the elevated powershell instance.

if (!([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) { Start-Process powershell.exe "-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "$PSCommandPath"" -Verb RunAs; exit }

To run a powershell script with a double click, like with a .bat file, I created a shortcut with these arguments.

C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\ps_scripts\SCRIPTNAME.ps1

This saves me from right clicking and clicking again on the context menu entry for running the script in powershell.

Debloat Windows 10 (and stop MS from spying)

Through the YouTube channel and website of Chris Titus I found this freeware tool to debloat Windows l0. Basically, you just run this command in an elevated Powershell:

iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

This will load the tool and open it in a separate window. The tool itself can be loaded from it’s GitHub page, where additional information is available. Windows 10 Debloater is free software licensed under the MIT License (Copyright (c) 2017 Richard Newton)

There is also another freeware tool by O&O Software, O&O ShutUp10, which you can use additionally to debloat Windows 10. It has got some nice toggle switches and predefined recommended settings. Custom preferences can be saved to a file. Additionally, after an Update, ShutUp10 can check if anything got changed back by windows update and correct this.

Here are the links to Chris Titus’ website with additional information worth a read:

Make Windows cmd more useful: command line editing and auto completion with clink

Like every other admin, I sometimes have to use the command line in Windows. The feature I missed the most (from using macOS) in cmd.exe is the automatic completion of commands and filenames with tab.

After some digging I found the perfect tool: clink.

Continue reading “Make Windows cmd more useful: command line editing and auto completion with clink”