Like every other admin, I sometimes have to use the command line in Windows. The feature I missed the most (from using macOS) in cmd.exe is the automatic completion of commands and filenames with tab.
After some digging I found the perfect tool: clink.
Clink is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
Clink has some other useful features, too:
- The same line editing as Bash (from GNU’s Readline library).
- History persistence between sessions.
- Context sensitive completion
- Executables (and aliases).
- Directory commands.
- Environment variables
- Thirdparty tools; Git, Mercurial, SVN, Go, and P4.
- New keyboard shortcuts
- Paste from clipboard (Ctrl-V).
- Incremental history search (Ctrl-R/Ctrl-S).
- Powerful completion (TAB).
- Undo (Ctrl-Z).
- Automatic “cd ..” (Ctrl-PgUp).
- Environment variable expansion (Ctrl-Alt-E).
- (press Alt-H for many more…)
- Scriptable completion with Lua.
- Coloured and scriptable prompt.
- Auto-answering of the “Terminate batch job?” prompt.
Now go check it out. In my opinion, clink should run on every Windows install. It certainly will on mine.